Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Notice

The Central University of Technology, Free State protects the users’ privacy

No personal information about a user will be disclosed to third parties without the user’s permission or due process.

The Central University of Technology, Free State gathers and will be in possession of the following private and personal information:

1. Information provided by the user voluntarily this information is used to provide a better service to users;

2. Information automatically provided (e.g., via cookies) this information is gathered to better users browsing and interaction with Central University of Technology, Free State. Cookies cannot harm users’ computers nor carry viruses.

3. By using this website, the user consents to the following:

• Central University of Technology, Free State may use the personal information about the user to communicate with the user from time to time. Users may indicate if they do not wish to receive such communications; and

• Central University of Technology, Free State may use the users’ information for non-personal statistical purposes.

• Central University of Technology, Free State retains the copyright in databases of personal information of users.

If you have any queries regarding the use of your personal data via the website please contact Link,

Digital communication

In implementing digital platforms, the sharing of content should be done in consideration of, and with consideration for, the strategies and plans being implemented, and not as an isolated effort. Goals and targets for the platform must be defined, and integrated with the entity’s plans, and should include risk management. Identify the relevant digital platform(s) by considering the target audience

For procedure for digital communication interaction to curb reputational risk for the CUT see link below ,

Confidentiality and privacy

All users must sign an undertaking not to disclose any information or data they access, in the course of their duties, to any unauthorised person.

Access to information will be regulated by the CUT’s Technology Manual regarding the Promotion of Access to Information Act No 2 of 2000 and Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) and all related policies listed therein. An issue-specific policy POPIA policy will be attached as an addendum to the Program-level Security Policy.

• Data must be protected from unauthorised access and modification

• Ensure contributions to data quality are being made at all levels within the University

• Data structures must be under strict change control, so that the various business and system implications of any change can be properly managed.

• Data must not be duplicated unless duplication is essential and has the approval of the relevant Data Steward.

All the confidentiality and privacy information above from the CUT Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Security Policy ,

Is my data secure?

Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT) cares about personal information it must regulate, or process from time to time. In line with the Protection of Personal Information Act (PoPIA), CUT has developed a policy and procedure to regulate the use of personal information.


Requests for a personal data will be granted if the data subject has consented. Even in that instance, the data subject must still be advised by the information controller that a request for their personal information was received, and granted, in line with the consent they would have committed themselves to,

How long will we keep your personal data?

When we collect or process your personal data, we’ll only keep it for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. Section 14 (1) to (3) (Retention and restriction of records)

At the end of that retention period, your data will either be deleted or destroyed

For POPIA Policy,

Universities South Africa. (2020). PoPIA Industry Code of Conduct: Public Universities. (Accessed: 15 August 2020). Available from: